2016-2017 Department of Accounting & Economics

Minors Available


The minor in Accounting is available to students who wish to add to their knowledge of accounting for personal edification or for professional purposes. Please note that for non-business majors, no more than 30 hours of courses offered by the College of Business may be counted toward completion of degree requirements.

The minor in Accounting requires 21 hours of courses:

*in order to take the upper division (3000-4000 level) ACCT courses, a non-business major must have completed 54 hours including all 2000 level courses listed above, have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and permission from the Dean of Business.



The minor in Economics is available to students who wish to add to their knowledge of business for personal edification or for professional purposes, but not open to College of Business majors. Please note that for non-business majors, no more than 30 hours of courses offered by the College of Business may be counted toward completion of degree requirements.

The minor in Economics requires 18 hours of courses:

*for many majors ECON 2003 Principles of Economics I can be used to satisfy 3 hours of the general education social science requirement.

**in order to take the upper division (3000-4000 level) ECON courses, a non-business major must have completed 54 hours including all 2000 level courses listed above, have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and permission from the Dean of Business.