Career Pathways Initiative
The Arkansas Career Pathways Initiative is a program that enables Arkansas Tech University - Ozark Campus to offer, to those who qualify, help with overcoming the barriers that keep parents from receiving the training and education needed to succeed in today's workforce. Career Pathways provides parents with services and resources needed to capture high wage / high demand careers.
Career Pathways provides a framework for connecting a series of educational programs with integrated work experience and support services. This combination of structured learning creates achievable stepping-stones for career advancement of adult workers and increases the pool of qualified workers needed by Arkansas employers.
Features of the Career Pathways program include:
- Enhanced student services such as intensive advising, tutoring, life skills workshops, career assessment, job search skills, and job placement assistance.
- Outreach via community-based organizations.
- Assistance with transportation costs, books, tuition, supplies, and testing fees (Assistance is limited by available funds, program guidelines, and state priority goals.)
- Educational tools such as: computer lab and learning software, and laptop loaner programs.
Eligibility is determined via the following income and/or categorical eligibility categories:
- Current (or former) TEA, SNAP, Medicaid or ArKids whose income is less than or equal to 250% of FPL guidelines.
- Household must consist of an adult caretaker of a dependent child under age 21. The child may not be out of the household for more than 45 calendar days.
- Families consisting of adult caretakers of dependent children under the age of 21,
whose income is less than 250% of FPL. (Source: MOA, Subaward Agreement)
Program Director
Jessica Spicer
Student Services and Conference Center
(479) 508-3347