Department of English & World Languages
The Department of English and World Languages offers majors and teacher licensure in creative writing, English, and Spanish. In addition, the department offers minors in creative writing, English, film studies, French, German, Japanese, Latin American/Latino studies with language proficiency, Latin American/Latino studies without language proficiency, Spanish, Spanish medical Interpretation and teaching English as a second language.
Contact Information
Dr. Carl W. Brucker, Head
Witherspoon Hall, Room 142
(479) 968-0256
Carl Brucker, Ursula Chandler, Ernest Enchelmayer, Paola Gemme, Stanley Lombardo, Susan Poznar, Nelson Ramírez, Dana Ward, Donna White, Deborah Wilson, Sam Worley
Associate Professors
Alejandra Carballo, Erin Clair, Emily Hoffman, Regina St. John
Assistant Professors
Nancy Cox, Tori Sharpe, Sarah Stein, Arwen Taylor, Robert Vork, Michael Wang
Senior Instructor
Jan Apple, Jill Balaster, Brent Hogan, Will Taylor, Elaine Tise
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