The matrix below is a sample plan for all coursework required for this program.
- Freshman
Fall Spring ENGL 1013 Composition I1 3 ENGL 1023 Composition II1 3 MATH 1113 College Algebra2 3 MATH 2223 Quantitative Business Analysis2 3 BUAD 1111 Introduction to Business 1 COMM 2173 Business and Professional Speaking 3 BUAD 2003 Business Information Systems 3 Elective 6 Elective 5 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 15 - Sophomore
Fall Spring ACCT 2003 Accounting Principles I 3 ACCT 2013 Accounting Principles II 3 ECON 2003 Principles of Economics I 3 ECON 2013 Principles of Economics II 3 Science with Lab1 4 Science with Lab1 4 BDA 2003 Business Problem Solving 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1 3 BLAW 2033 Legal Environment of Business 3 BUAD 2053 Business Statistics 3 Total Hours 16 Total Hours 16 - Junior
Fall Spring U.S. History/Government1 3 ACCT 3063 Managerial Accounting or
ACCT 4023 Cost Accounting3 BUAD 3023 Business Communications 3 FIN 3063 Business Finance 3 ECON 3003 Money and Banking 3 MGMT 3103 Operations Management 3 MGMT 3003 Management and Organizational Behavior 3 MGMT 3123 Business Ethics 3 MKT 3043 Principles of Marketing 3 Elective 3 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 15 - Senior
Fall Spring MGMT 4013 Management Information Systems 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1 3 Behavioral Elective3 6 MGMT 3113 Managerial Process Analysis or
MGMT 4203 Project Management3 Elective 6 MGMT 4083 Business Policy 3 Behavioral Elective3 3 Elective 1 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 13
1See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in “General Education Requirements”.
2Students who have two years of high school algebra with a grade of “C” or better and
a math ACT score of 22 or above may omit College Algebra and enroll directly in MATH 2223 Quantitative Business Analysis. If omitted, an additional 3 hours of electives will be required. Students considering
graduate school are advised to use free elective hours to take MATH 2914 Calculus I.
3Nine hours Behavioral elective must be taken from: MGMT 4023 Personnel/Human Resources Management or MGMT 4093 Human Behavior in Organizations or MGMT 4213 Business Leadership or MGMT 4223 Leadership: Ideas and Images in Art, Film, History, and Literature.